====== Chip8 ====== ===== Info ===== ^ {{:juegos:escaneos:Chip8.jpg?200|}} ^^ ^ Company | [[http://www.habisoft.com|Habi Soft]] | ^ Creator | [[http://www.habisoft.com|Habi Soft]] | ^ Year | 2017 | ^ Gender | Multiple | ^ Controls | Keyboard | ^ Languages | Spanish (English) | ^ State | [[en:preserved|Preserved]] | ===== Screenshots ===== ^^^ | {{:juegos:capturas:Chip8_Screenshoot01.png?200}} | {{:juegos:capturas:Chip8_Screenshoot02.png?200}} | | {{:juegos:capturas:Chip8_Screenshoot03.png?200}} | {{:juegos:capturas:Chip8_Screenshoot04.png?200}} | ===== Description ===== This time Habi does not bring us a game, but at the same time he brings us many. It is a Chip8 emulator ([[https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHIP-8|Wikipedia article]]).. With it you can run the games from the Chip8 catalog (without extensions). ===== Cover ===== Coming soon ===== Manual ===== The emulator is a program under CP/M, which is executed as follows: CHIP8 [OPTIONS] FILE.EXT The keyboard is emulated with the following keys: |1|2|3|C| |1|2|3|4| |4|5|6|D| |Q|W|E|R| |7|8|9|E| -> |A|S|D|F| |A|0|B|F| |Z|X|C|V| Additionally, the STOP key terminates the emulation and returns us to the command line; TAB resets the emulated program. [OPTIONS] is an optional two-digit hexadecimal number, with the options to apply (each bit activates one); these are: |20|No sound.| |10|Solid pixels.| |08|Screen overlapping at the edges.| |04|Does not emulate carry on Fx1E instruction.| |02|Instructions Fx55 and Fx65 do not update register I.| |01|Ignore the "y" parameter in the 8xy6 and 8xyE instructions.| If no number is specified, 00 is assumed. The last four options are for compatibility. I emulate the classic machine (for example, Animal Race works), but buggy emulators were made and people used them to develop, so now there is software that depends on them. In general, if something doesn't work as is, try 03, or 0F directly. ===== Disk ===== Coming soon ===== Donwload ===== * {{:juegos:descargas:Chip8.zip|Chip8}} (Compressed .DSK file in ZIP format) ===== Links ===== * [[http://www.habisoft.com|Habi Soft blog author of the game]]