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Cascade Joystick

This joystick interface manufactured by Cascade is a peripheral that provides the PCW with a Joystick to play with this computer.




Obviously, to play with a PCW it is essential to have a PCW computer and a game. However, it is always interesting to be able to play games with a joystick, for two reasons: one of them, the comfort when handling the game, especially in action games, and the other reason, to avoid the wear of the keys.

The problem when using a PCW is that this computer does not have a joystick port. For this reason it is necessary to use an interface such as the Cascade Joystick.

The complete Joycestick kit includes the interface, a joystick and a diskette with version 4.0 of the chess game Colossus Chess 2 or another game in other cases such as the ACE flight simulator.

Its use could not be simpler: just connect the joystick to the corresponding socket on the interface, and then connect the interface to the expansion port of the PCW (all this, of course, with the computer turned off). It is important to do it in this order, because the joystick connection is very tight. If we connect the interface first, turn on the computer, and then try to connect the joystick to the interface, we will observe that it is necessary to apply force, and there is the possibility of damaging the expansion connector in an oversight.

The interface with the Tomahawk flight simulator works without any problem. However, some joysticks that come with the kit cause quite a few problems, as they do not shoot or move down. We assume that this is an individual joystick issue. Hopefully it's just a general problem.

One small detail must be noted: the interface does not have an expansion bus extender, so if we connect it as the first interface, it does not allow any other expansion to be connected.

en/hardware/perifericos/cascade_joystick.txt · Última modificación: 2022/06/16 09:57 por jevicac