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Manual Amstrad PCW 9512


Distribuidora Amstrad plc
Dimensiones 20,70 x 14,70 x 2,70 cm
Año 1987
Autor Amstrad plc
Páginas 640
Idioma Inglés
Estado Preservado


Manual original suministrado con el Amstrad PCW 9512, uno de los manuales más amplios y extensos de la gama PCW. Incluye el manejo e instrucciones de la máquina. Comienza desde la instalación después de su desembalaje, la utilización de los discos suministrados, impresora, papel de la impresora, manejo de LocoScript, introducción al sistema operativo CP/M, gráficos, Software comercial, los comandos del CP/M Plus, el lenguaje de programación Mallard Basic y terminando con el lenguaje de programación DR. Logo.


Este manual está encuadernado en tapas de cartón a color, y las hojas interiores en papel normal fino en blanco y negro. Sus medidas son: Alto 20,70 cm x Ancho 32,10 cm.




  Part I: The PCW9512
    Chapter 1:   Getting Started
    Chapter 2:   Using your PCW
    Appendix I:  Expanding your PCW
    Appendix II: Troubleshooting
  Part II: LocoScript
    LocoScript Tutorial
    Stage 1: Basics
    Session 1: Fundamentals
    Session 2: Running off a letter
    Session 3: Preparing a new document
    Session 4: Printing
    Session 5: Changing a document - I: Small changes
    Session 6: Changing a document - II: Large scale changes
    Session 7: Keeping your discs organised
    Session 8: Checking your spelling
    Stage 2: Refinements
    Session 9:  Indenting, centring and justifying
    Session 10: Stressing words and phrases
    Session 11: Using character pitches and line spacings
    Session 12: Margins tabs and tables
    Session 13: Direct printing
    Session 14: Finding and Exchanging
    Session 15: Moving text around
    Stage 3: Advanced features
    Session 16: The Professional touch - I: Niceties of Layout
    Session 17: The Professional touch - II: Headers, Footers and Page numbers
    Session 18: Changing the Framework
    Session 19: Large documents
    Session 20: Using different types of paper
    Session 21: Mail merge - I: Producing standard letters and mailshots
    Session 22: Mail merge - II: Preparing the masters
    Session 23: Using different printwheels and different printers
    Session 24: Using one document as a pattern for another
    Postscript: Getting the best out of LocoScript 2
    Appendix I:   Converting to LocoScript 2
    Appendix II:  Glossary
    Appendix III: LocoScript 2 Characters
    Appendix IV:  Quick reference
    Appendix V:   Troubleshooting
 Part III: Using CP/M, BASIC and LOGO

    Chapter 1: Introduction to CP/M on the PCW9512
    Chapter 2: Which commands to use
    Chapter 3: Commercial Software for the PCW9512
    Chapter 4: Graphics on the PCW9512
    Chapter 5: The CP/M Plus built-in commands and utilities
    Mallard Basic
    Dr Logo
    Appendix I:   CP/M Plus character sets
    Appendix II:  Advanced use of the printer
    Appendix III: Terminal characteristics
    Appendix IV:  Error messages
  Licence Agreements



es/manual_del_amstrad_pcw_9512.txt · Última modificación: 2017/06/29 12:00 por jevicac