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Company Loriciels.
Distributor Proein Soft Line
Production team Programming: Bernard Auré - Graphics: Bruno Masson
Year 1987
Packaging Black plastic case 13.00 × 9.00 × 1.50
Compatibility PCW 8256 - PCW 8512 - PCW 9512
Peripherals Keyboard - Joystick
Loading CP / M +
Gender Action
Language English
Price Spain: 4,200 Ptas
State preserved



From what it seemed, the software houses began to run at an excessive speed, it had not been long since this program was presented to the CPC in France, when it was already starting to be released for the PCW and the PC. We are not talking about any program, in those moments we would almost bet that it was the best game for PCW users.

If there have been times when a game surprised us with its graphics, this was one of them. Once again, the French house Loriciels (one of the fashion companies in the software world) brought us another fantastic adventure, introducing us to a movie on our computer, where armed with skill we must guide our Android (the doll we represent in the game) in search of a wonderful world that he had been searching for for quite some time. In order to achieve this, we will have to face fierce fights, go through swampy areas and avoid the traps that our enemies have had for us. Inside the box there is an orientation comic that should be read, if you want to finish the game in the right way.

Once again we are faced with an adventure game where our protagonist has to face multiple dangers to reach the temple and its dream world.

There he was, alone, sick, he knew that his last moments of life were approaching, but this did not matter to him, he was prepared for when that moment came, there was only one thing occupying his tired brain … finding him. Find the man who had brought him and his race to destruction, reach him and finally end the calamities he had caused.

He was aware of the difficulty of reaching his lair. He knew well the traps that awaited him. He had to try to discover the weapons that could help him in his mission and the keys that would allow him access to the temple doors.

His chances were slim, but the mixture of helplessness and rage he felt pushed him with a force he had never known, a force that he would fight to win or die.

Bob Winner is a globetrotter in search of a lost civilization that will have to face numerous dangers. The most powerful powers in the world want to avoid achieving its end at all costs and for this they send the best fighters in their search. We will have to face three types of adversaries: a fine and elegant French boxer specialist in Thai Boxing, will be the first to face him, English boxing experts and then a quick American gunman. To fight against them we will first need to look for the objects that allow us to measure ourselves with them in equal conditions and that are scattered on the different screens. A world of immense dangers and very dangerous obstacles rise up on our way, such as swamps, quicksand, terrible volcanoes, giant bees, rockets, rolling barrels advancing towards us, knives come from no one knows where, stones from landslides and , sometimes, several things at once.

If we want to have the possibility of dueling with the American, we will need to pick up a pistol before, to fight with the English boxer we will need a boxing glove and to fight with the French we will need a boot. In this way, if we meet any of them and carry the necessary object to be able to face it, we will carry out the pertinent transformation; that is, if we have the boxing glove we can become a boxer, if we have the boot in a true Thai Bosing fighter and if we have the gun we will become an intrepid gunfighter.

In order to reach our destination we start with nine lives and the dangers and obstacles that lie in wait for us, will take one life or reduce our energy, depending on which one attacks us.

As we advance and overcome difficulties, the screens change, being able to identify them, clearly and pleasantly, with different countries and areas of the world (landscapes of Paris, London, New York, etc). It is all a waste of authenticity.

First, look for the weaponry; then fight

In order to open the doors of the temple that keep the wonderful world behind us, we must first obtain three keys that are kept by our adversaries. In order to take them away, we must fight them in a fight to the death and first search through the different screens of the game for the three weapons necessary to go to the fight. These weapons are: boxing gloves, which will allow us to face the English creators of boxing and who challenge us to fight against them in this sport; the boots, necessary to be able to fight against the French and their way of fighting “Savate”, and finally, the pistols, to be able to defeat the fast and agile gunmen of the United States of America in an exciting duel.

Of all the enemies we have to face, gunmen are harder to take down. Even John Wayne himself would have serious trouble defeating them. The rest of the opponents are not extremely difficult and only the hit tactic prevails before they hit you.

The traps

But it was not going to be all fight, there are also dangerous traps, objects and giant wasps capable of preventing us from coming to a successful end. Swampy areas can cost us more than a displeasure. Many are visible, but others are not, and we must imagine, due to the surrounding landscape, the area where they are located. In addition to the marshy areas, we have to face another terrible geographic enemy: volcanoes (which by the way are difficult to pass). These make the journey of our Android a true ordeal in this risky adventure, especially because every time you fall into one of these traps we will lose a life.

But not all the traps take a life from us; the barrels that appear rolling the best (only) way to pass them is jumping, the daggers that can be passed by crouching or jumping, depending on whether they are above or below (except if they appear two at a time, one above and one by underneath, that one of the two is going to give us), the balls that appear bouncing and we will have to jump them and finally the giant wasps that we will have to duck immediately as soon as they appear to prevent them from stinging us (although sometimes crouching they sting us) instead to take a life from us what they do is to take away energy from us.

The graphics

Graphically it is of a high quality and the images have such a level of realism that it gives us the feeling of being the protagonists of a movie. Bob Winner is a typical example of digitized graphic games, an authentic collection of digitized images and landscapes that make the game feel more realistic. Although the PCW does not have a color monitor, the games that are made with the shades in green cause a good effect, as well as the movement of the doll when walking or jumping, death with the duel with the gunmen, where the fall to the ground with the agony it is very well made, they make all of it a game that almost touches reality (a difficult thing to achieve).


In conclusion, Bob Winner is a game of emotion and adventure that will allow us to spend long moments playing and enjoying this exciting game. Perhaps the creators of the game have put too much difficulty in some phases, such as some of the screens containing volcanoes and duels with the gunmen, which make it almost impossible to achieve the end of the game. Bob's movement is also a detail to highlight and his graphics, very good, a mixture of digitized images and drawn characters, where the movements of the dolls touch almost perfectly; this makes the game look real. Excellent.


In the following images you can check the original packaging.



  • Original covers in different versions

Here you have the front of the original cover.

  • Retouched cover

Its measurements are: Height 12.50 x Length 18.50 cm.


The manual is printed on fine colored, stapled cardboard and is short story type. Its measurements are: Height 9.30 x length 8.20 cm the sheet.


Original disc supplied with Bob Winner.


Custom labels to print them. Over the years due to their use, the labels are spoiled and lose their color and quality. Now we try to adapt the closest thing to the best of our abilities, labels so that they can be printed and replaced or for those who work with a copy of the program and preserve the original disk. Measure in 3 “high: 7.00 cm - width: 7.10 cm. The first image corresponds to the original label of the game, the second is the same label modified to be able to replace the broken one and the third and fourth image is for the 3.5 “discs.



Instructions in Spanish printed on colored cardboard whose measurements are: Height 9.30 x length 8.20 cm.


  1. To defeat the French we have to get a little closer, wait for him to get closer and when he does, give the kick obtained without stopping with the MAYS keys + right arrow.
  2. To defeat the English we will do the same as for the French, except that instead of the right arrow it will be the PAL / CARC key.
  3. To defeat the first gunman we will get a little closer and shoot him in the feet, and the second we will do the same, but shoot him in the head.


Some advertisements of the game in magazines of great circulation of the time.



Disc images, obtained from the original version of Bob Winner, have been recorded and verified.


You can download the Bob Winner game manual below or view it online.


en/juegos/bob_winner_es.1591613004.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/08 12:43 by jevicac