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Amstrad PCW 9256 Manual


Distributor Amstrad plc
Dimensions 20.90 x 14.80 x 1.00 cm
Year 1991
Author Amstrad plc
Pages 219
Language English
Status Preserved


Original manual supplied with the Amstrad PCW 9256. Includes handling and instructions for the machine. It starts from installation after unpacking, using the supplied disks, printer paper, handling LocoScript and ending with a brief introduction to the CP/M operating system.


This manual is bound in color cardboard covers, and the inner pages in thin black and white plain paper. Its measurements are: Height 20.90 cm x Width 30.60 cm.




Chapter 1

  Unpacking your PCW9256
  Electrical safety
    Separate lead
    Attached lead
  Finding a home for your PCW9256
    Caring for the PCW9256
  Connecting the units together
  Starting up
    Copying Discs
    Points to watch while copying
    After copying
  About computer discs
    Storing your data
    Looking after discs
    Write-protecting discs
    Storing and retrieving material
    How discs work
  About Drive M
  The Keyboard
    The cursor keys and number pad
    Caps Lock
  Resetting the computer
  Summing up
Chapter 2

  What is word processing?
  General principles of using LocoScript
  The Disc Management Screen
  Opening a new document
  A note about file-names
  The Editing Screen
    Introducing the Information lines
    Meet the cursor
    The page-bar
  Beginning to type
  Editing your text
    Tidying after deletions
  Making a printed copy
    Putting paper in the printer
    Printer Control State
    Leaving Printer Control
    Printing and saving
  Editing a document
    A simple example
    Moving round the document
    Other ways of moving around a document
  About file-names and extensions
  More about the Information Lines
  Summing up
Chapter 3

  Back to the Disc Management Screen
    Bytes and kilobytes
    The group cplumns
    Limbo files
    Erasing files for security reasons
    Hidden files
    Moving the highlight bars
  Control keys
  The Functions Keys
    Function Key f1 - Disc change
    Function Key f2 - Inspect
    Function Key f3 - Copy
    Function Key f4 - Move
    Function Key f5 - Rename
    Renaming a document
    Recovering a document from Limbo
    Renaming a group
    Function Key f6 - Erase
    Security deletion
    Function Key f7 - Modes
    Function Key f8 - Options
  Different kinds of disc
    Using the Start of Day Disc and the working discs
  Saving documents while working
  Printing from the Disc Management Screen
  Summing up
Chapter 4

  Emphasis tutorial
  How do enhancements work?
    Emphasis Menu Options
  The Style Menu
  Enhancements and the Information Lines
  LocoScript Codes
    Making the codes visible
  Underlining text already entered
  Removing enhancements
  Combining styles
  Some useful short cuts
    Picking items from the Set and Clear Menus
    The choice is yours
  Changing character pitch
  How to change the character pitch
    Character pitch and margin settings
  Printer codes
  Finding your way around long documents
    Searching for (UniT) codes
  Last but not least...
  Summing up
Chapter 5
  Using the Lines Menu
  Centring lines
    Cancelling centring
  Right justification
    Cancelling right justification
  Full justification
  Blanks and spaces
  Justification and proportional type
  Should you justify?
  Summing up

Chapter 6

    Changing the line-spacing
  Line pitch
    Changing the line pitch
    Returning to the default values
  Fine control of word wrap
    Hard spaces
    Hard hyphens
    Soft hyphens
    Soft spaces
  Summing up
Chapter 7

  Indented lines
    Indenting the first line of a paragraph
    Indenting a complete paragrahp
    Numbered or lettered paragrapghs
  Controlling page breaks manually
    The wrong way to force a new page
    Forced page breaks
  When to use the commands
  Shorthand key strokes
  Avoiding breaking text at page boundaries
  Some notes about page boundaries
  Summing up
Chapter 8

  Scissors and paste
    Making deletions
    Points to watch
  Moving text
    About the buffers
    Repeated insertions
  Copying text
    Copying blocks into a different document
  More about merging files
  Blocks and codes
    Showing blocks
  LocoScript Phrases
    Using a Phrase
    What Phrases do you have?
    Adding your own Phrases
    Saving Phrases on disc
    The PHRASES.STD file
    Deleting a Phrase
    Saving Phrases
    Other Phrases files
  Summing Up
Chapter 9

  How Find and Exchange work
  Beginning a Find
    Specifying a Find operation
    Repeating a Find
    Abandoning a Find
    Avoiding false hits
    A practical example
    Potential problems
  Making Exchanges
    Entering the strings
    The Exchange options
    Confirming each exchange
    Automatic exchanges
    Some simple precautions
    If the worst should happen ...
  Summing up
Chapter 10

  About LocoScript Layouts
  Creating a new secondary layout
  Setting new margins
    Restrictions on setting margins
  LocoScript tabs
  Types of tab stop
    Simple tabs
    Right tabs
    Centre tabs
    Decimal tabs
  Setting and clearing tab stops
    Removing tab stops
  Leaving the screen
  Relaying the next
  Summing up
Chapter 11

  How layouts work
  Editing a loyout
  Copying layouts
    Some points to watch
  Editing the base layout
  More about new layouts
  Setting the defaults in a new layout
    Changing the character pitch
    Changing the line pitch
    Changing the line spacing
    Selecting italics
    Selecting justification
    After setting the options
  Summing up
Chapter 12

  Editing the pagination
  Altering the character pitch
    About proportional spacing
  Setting the line pitch
  Line spacing
  Selecting italic printing
  Setting justification
  Setting the base layout margins
    Setting the left margin
    Setting the right margin
  Setting and removing tab stops
    Ordinary tabs
    Right tabs
    Centre tabs
    Decimal tabs
    Removing a tab stop
  Leaving the Editing Base Layout Screen
  The Characters Menu
    Setting the zero character
    Setting the decimal marker
    Removing the Characters Menu
  Setting the tab count
  Setting page breaks
    Windows and orphans
    Breaking paragraphs
    Where are you on the page?
    The wrong way to force a page break
    Setting the page size
    Setting the pagination
    Setting page numbers
  Allocating headers and footers
    Leaving the Header Editing Screen
    Headers and footers
    Inserting page numbers
    A simple example
    Remember the symbols
    Finishing off
  Summing up
Chapter 13

  About TEMPLATE.STD files
  Creating a TEMPLATE.STD file
    Setting up layout for the TEMPLATE.STD
    Putting in the text
    Adding simple instructions
    Finishing off
  Summing up
Chapter 14

  Using accents
  Using different character sets
    Using 'Alt' characters
    The 'Extra' characters
    When you can and can't use the extended character set
    Printing and transferring the extended character set
  Transferring data between programs
    Converting a LocoScript file to ASCII format
    Types of ASCII file
    Importing ASCII files into LocoScript
  Summing up
Chapter 15

  Direct Printing
  Printing part of a document
  Controlling the printer
  Choosing the printer options
    High and draft quality
    Single sheets and continuous stationery
    Changing the dimensions of the paper
  Waiting for Paper
  Locating the print head
  Clearing a paper jam
  Resetting the printer
  On line and Off line
  Summing up
Chapter 16

  About the CP/M operating system
  Loading CP/M
  CP/M Utilities
  Computer languages
  Applications programs
  The CP/M keyboard
  The CP/M Directory
  Default drives
  Wild cards
  Looking at the contents of a document
  Using the printer in CP/M
    Printing out a file
  Summing up CP/M



en/manual_del_amstrad_pcw_9256.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/18 21:13 by jevicac