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Nevada Pascal


Editorial Ellis Computing Software Technology
Dimensions Width: 14,90 cm x High: 21,10 cm x Broad:1,00 cm
Year 1984
Author James R. Tyson
Pages 184
Language English
Price England: £0,00
State Preserved


Pascal is a high-level programming language named after the French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). Nicklaus Wirth developed the language starting in 1968. It is a descendant of the Algol family of languages ​​that incorporates structured programming principles.

NEVADA Pascal was designed specifically for the CP / M operating system. It includes many cutting-edge features that were previously unavailable in any microcomputer language.

With NEVADA Pascal, programs of virtually unlimited size can be developed. External functions and procedures written in Pascal or assembly language are compiled separately. They are automatically loaded from disk when they are first referenced, or they can be merged with the main program to form a module. The advanced dynamic storage system will purge infrequently used procedures if the storage fills up. Dynamic storage compression ensures optimal use of the primary storage resource.

Floating point arithmetic provides 14 digits of precision. All standard functions are supported. The input / output system supports sequential disk files and two types of random files. With the “relative byte address” option, random files of variable length records can be processed. The data in the disk file can be written in ASCII format or internal binary format.

The built-in CALL procedure provides direct access to all services of the CP / M operating system. The built-in MAP procedure allows any region of main storage to be accessed as if it were a Pascal variable. The hardware input / output ports are directly accessible.

Debugging is simplified by tracking the line number and tracking the procedure name, which the program can turn on and off at run time.

Activate, the activity analyzer, can be used to monitor the execution of a program and print a histogram showing the amount of activity in each area of ​​the program.


This book is bound with white soft cardboard covers with pink letters and the inner sheets in fine plain black and white paper whose measurements are: Height 21.10 cm x Width 14.90 cm.



Table of Contents

Nevada Pascal version 4.x

1. Intruduction

   1.1   Nevada Pascal features
   1.2   Hardware requirements
   1.2.1 Software requirements
   1.3   Files on the Distribution Diskette
   1.3.1 Getting Started
   1.4   *** FOR BEGINNERS ****
2. Operating NEVADA Pascal

   2.1   Writing Pascal programs
         2.1.2 Identifiers
         2.1.2 Numbers
   2.2   Compiling Pascal programs
   2.3   Executing Pascal programs

3. Compiler Directives

   3.1   Listing Control
   3.2   Line trace
   3.3   Procedure trace
   3.4   Source file Include
4. Data types

   4.1   Integers
   4.2   Real numbers
   4.3   Booleans
   4.4   Char
   4.5   Structured variables
   4.6   Dynamic strings
   4.7   Sets
   4.8   Pointers
   4.9   Dynamic arrays

5. Built-in functions

   5.1   ABS
   5.2   ADDR
   5.3   ARCTAN
   5.4   CHR
   5.5   CONCAT
   5.6   COPY
   5.7   COS
   5.8   EXP
   5.9   FREE
   5.10  HEX$
   5.11  LENGTH
   5.12  LN
   5.13  ODD
   5.14  ORD
   5.15  PORTIN
   5.16  POS
   5.17  PRED
   5.18  REAL$
   5.19  ROUND
   5.20  SEARCH
   5.21  SIN
   5.22  SQR
   5.23  SQRT
   5.24  SUCC
   5.25  TRUNC
   5.26  UPCASE

6. Built-in procedures

   6.1   CALL
         6.1.1 Calling the CP/M operating system
   6.2   DELETE
   6.3   DISPOSE
   6.4   FILLCHAR
   6.5   INSERT
   6.6   MAP
   6.7   NEW
   6.8   PORTOUT
   6.9   SYSTEM
7. Input/output

   7.1   Console input/output
   7.2   Sequential file processing
   7.3   Random file processing.
   7.4   Indexed file processing
         7.4.l Index file format
         7.4.2 Data file format
         7.4.3 Using INDEXO
         7.4.4 INDEX commands
         7.4.5 INDEX return codes
         7.4.6 Balanced indexes
         7.4.7 INDEX2 utility
         7.4.8 Efficiency notes
         7.4.9 Sample Indexed file program
   7.5   CLOSE
   7.6   EOF
   7.7   EOLN
   7.8   ERASE
   7.9   GET
   7.10  OPEN
   7.11  PICTURE
   7.12  PUT
   7.13  READ, READLN
   7.14  RENAME
   7.15  RESET
   7.16  REWRITE

8. Linker

9. Customiz

10. Assembler

   10.l  Entry codes
   10.2  Operating NEVASM
   10.3  Directives
   10.4  Expressions
   10.5  Parameters and return values
   10.6  Debugging assembler procedures
   10.7  Convertm program
   10.8  Sample assembly programs

11. Storage management

   11.1  Main storage
   11.2  Dynamic storage
12. External Procedures and Functions

   12.1  Coding external procedures and functions
   12.2  Referencing external procedures

13. Debugging

   13.1  Trace options
   13.2  DEBUG procedure
   13.3  System status display
   13.4  Run-time messages
   13.5  Common problems

14. Extended CASE statement

15. CRT Formatting 

   15.1  Structure of external procedure
   15.2  Map Definition File
   15.3  Operating CRTMAP
   15.4  CRTMAP example

A. Reserved words

B. Activity analyzer

c. Block letters



F. Restrictions

G. List of References

H. Problem Report Form




en/nevada_pascal.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/10 20:16 by jevicac