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Company The Power House
Distribution The Power House
Conversion Kevin Thacker
Production team Programming: Mark Incley - Jason Kettle
Year 1987, 2023
Style Labyrinth
Controls Keyboard, Kempston and Dk'tronics
Languages English
Status Preserved



Mayhem takes place in a spaceship, which has been sabotaged with a nuclear bomb. Your objective is to go through its 128 rooms, distributed in 4 decks, to find the digits that allow you to deactivate it. There are also several objects such as the gun that will help you in your mission.

Again, an excellent adaptation of Kevin Thacker for PCW, made with permission of the original author, Mark Incley.

The game supports both keyboard and joystick (Dk'tronics and Kempston).


  • Mayhem (Compressed .DSK file in ZIP format)
en/nuevos/mayhem.1675780116.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/07 15:28 by jevicac