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Manual Amstrad PcW 10


Distribuidora Amstrad plc
Dimensiones 21,00 x 14,50 x 1,00 cm
Año 1992
Autor Amstrad plc
Páginas 220
Idioma Inglés
Estado Preservado


Manual original suministrado con el Amstrad PcW 10. Incluye el manejo e instrucciones de la máquina. Comienza desde la instalación después de su desembalaje, la utilización de los discos suministrados, papel de la impresora, manejo de LocoScript y terminando con una breve introducción al sistema operativo CP/M.


Este manual está encuadernado en tapas de cartón blando a color, y las hojas interiores en papel normal fino en blanco y negro. Sus medidas son: Alto 21,00 cm x Ancho 30,00 cm.




     What this guide can't do
     A note on presentation
   1 Setting up your PCW10
     Unpacking your PCW10
     Electrical safety
     Finding a home for your PCW10
     Caring for the PCW10
     Coneccting the units together
     Starting up
     Copying Discs
     Points to watch while copying
     After copying
     About computer discs
     Storing your data
     Looking after discs
     Stroing your data
     Looking after discs
     Writw-protecting discs
     Storing and retrieving material
     How discs work
     About Drive M
     The Keyboard
     The cursor keys and number pad
     Caps Lock
     Resetting the computer
     Summing up
   2 LocoScript Tutorial
     What is word processing?
     General principles of using LocoScript
     The Disc Management Screen
     Opening a new document
     A note about file-names
     The Editing Screen
     Introducing the Information lines
     Meet the cursor
     The page-bar
     Beginning to type
     Editing your text
     Tidying after deletions
     Quick tip
     Making a printed copy
     Putting paper in the printer
     Printer Control State
     Leaving Printer Control
     Printing and saving
     Editing a document
     A simple example
     Moving round the document
     Other ways of moving around a document
     About file-names and extensions
     More about the Information Lines
     Summing up
   3 More about Discs
     Back to the Disc Management Screen
     Bytes and kilobytes
     The group columns
     Limbo files
     Erasing files for security reasons
     Hidden files
     Moving the highlight bars
     Control keys
     The Function Keys
     Function Key f1 - Disc change
     Function Key f2 - Inspect
     Function Key f3 - Copy
     Function Key f4 - Move
     Function Key f5 - Rename
     Renaming a document
     Recovering a document from Limbp
     Renaming a group
     Function Key f6 - Erase
     Security deletion
     Function Key f7 - Modes
     Function Key f8 - Options
     Different kinds of disc
     Using the Start of Day Disc and the working discs
     Saving documents while working
     Printing from the Disc Management Screen
     Summing up
   4 The Emphasis and Style Menus
     Emphasis tutorial
     How do enhancements work?
     Quick tip
     Emphasis Menu Options
     The Style Menu
     Enhancements and the Information Lines
     LocoScript Codes
     Making the codes visible
     Underlining text already entered
     Removing enhancements
     Combining styles
     Some useful short cuts
     Quick tip
     Picking items from the Set and Clear Menus
     Quick tip
     The choice is yours
     Changing character pitch
     How to change the character pitch
     Character pitch and margin settings
     Printer codes
     Finding your way around long documents
     Searching for (UniT) codes
     Last but no least...
     Summing up
   5 Justification and alignment
     Using the Lines Menu
     Centring lines
     Cancelling centring
     Right justification
     Cancelling right justification
     Full justification
     Blanks and spaces
     Justification and proportional type
     Should you justify?
     Quick tip
     Summing up
   6 The Lines Menu
     Line-space and line-pitch
     Changing the line-spacing
     Quick tip
     Line pitch
     Changing the line pitch
     Quick tip
     Returning to the default values
     Fine control of word wrap
     Hard spaces
     Hard hyphens
     Soft hyphens
     Soft spaces
     Summing up

     Using the printer in CP/M
     Printing out a file
     Summing up CP/M

  17 Software Licence Agreement



es/manual_del_amstrad_pcw_10.1499639577.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2017/07/10 00:32 por jevicac